Sunday, December 21, 2008

Special Time

Today was a day full of special things. First, something for Wifey. I cleaned the upstairs bathrooms. Yup, little ol' me. And it wasn't even her birthday.

Then, JAM and I took some time out to go to our little independent local one-screen theater to catch a noon showing of The Polar Express. We love this movie. We love the book even more but they did a really good job on this movie. I will say that there wasn't really any reason to put in the scary moments (it's a story about belief and trust and caring, not an adventure story) and I think they overdid the roller-coaster sequences (3 or 4 of them in a 90-minute movie), but all in all it was a very sweet movie for kids.

Our favorite part, by far....
Sorry, best clip I could find, sound is pretty weak

Then, after Red got up from her nap, she and I took a little walk down to a friend's house so Red could visit with her 3-year-old daughter and I could say hello to their brand-spanking-new baby boy. I can't believe how little they can get. Seeing as how Pudge was my last experience, and dude came out as big as a third-grader (not quite, but 10lbs is pretty hefty) this little guy was a shock. :) Red and I had a great time walking to and from, practicing our leaf stomping and then having a go at a new playground in our neighborhood. It was wicked cold out though, and getting dark, so we cut that short. She was a trooper and walked the whole way although right before we got to our friend's house and then again right after we left the playground she started telling me she wanted to go to sleep. Her way of letting me know she wanted me to pick her up. Yeah, Daddy wasn't playing that so girlfriend got to prove to me that she could make it. And she did. I ain't raising no wusses. :)

So, #1 and #2 got some special Daddy time and Wifey didn't have to get all up-close and personal with the porcelain. Good day all around I would say. Poor Pudge, he was left out of most of that. Gotta go roll around on the floor with him now. He's our snuggler and he loves a good tickle.

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