Thursday, May 8, 2008

A few things on my mind...

First, HAPPY BIRTHDAY RED!!!!! That's right, my little lady is two today. So quick. Where did it go? I honestly look at pictures of her from 10-15 months ago and just wonder when the changes happened. She's so big now, using JAM's old three-wheeled scooter all by herself, hanging out and playing with the big kids in the yard, going down the three-story twisty slide of doom at the park this past weekend at her party. She is just amazing, and a ton of fun. What a wonderful two years it has been.

On another note of growing up, with JAM playing baseball now wifey and I started talking about the old Abbot and Costello "Who's on First" routine. JAM had no idea what the heck we were talking about. So sad. So, we had to school him. I found an .mp3 file of it but I then thought of the wonder of YouTube...

While I was searching for the Who's on First video I came across this... If you haven't seen it it is awfully funny. God I can't wait until January when this monkey is gone.

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